CONTACT: treblayevrah@hotmail.com
Website History
Not trying to toot my own horn with this section. If anything I'm making this page to appreciate how silly it is that I've been interested in maintaining a page for this game as long as I have. There have been three uniquely named incarnations of "bananasDOTmesh." Ultimately I settled on the most obscure title to ensure that even the few Rogue Agent fans out there would have no idea what I'm referencing. Oh well!

You're here right now, so needless to say this is the current version of the website. Back in 2006, when I made my first website for the game, I was lacking the knowledge to hack the game on my own. So, the name "bananasDOTmesh" was inspired by something I found in the game's files by that very name (you can find info about in the HACKING section).
I do work in an industry that requires Photoshop skills, so yes - I made the joke image of GoldenEye wielding bananas on my own, from pre-existing concept art for the game.
"Rogue Agent Exposed"

The second version I made using "webs.com," which at the time of writing (2024) seems to have been shutdown. The address was "rogueagentexposed.webs.com."
I was surprised to discover that at least a snapshot of the home page still exists on the "wayback machine:"

This is the original file I had used for the site's background. I don't hate it, but it was a bit much so I didn't continue the idea for bananasDOTmesh.

At some point I had this as the homepage image. It was a reference to me making codes for the game, hence "new wings," I guess. This was also around the time I got the clever idea to take the "Eurostile Bold" font directly from the game disc to use as the website's font, which I'm still using now.
Realistically, the site was a step up from my oldest website, but pretty much just an earlier version of the current page you're viewing now. The last update I made to it was actually to redirect visitors to this site instead.
There was a forum that was made through "ProBoards." It was an absolute ghost town, so I scrapped that idea for bananasDOTmesh. Only one person posted there by the name of "number6." I do have a screencap of the question they asked:

Actually a pretty interesting thing I didn't consider much until then. To this day I still can't say I really have an answer, although I attempted at the time.
I would say now it's clear that Rogue Agent exists in an "alternate history" of the 007 universe, with some of the tech (at least for the time) being borderline science fiction. No precise year is stated in the game, but ultimately the designers seem to have just had fun combining elements from the '60s films with advanced tech. In the same way that Brosnan's Bond couldn't possibly be the same one as Connery's, it's just another original take on the franchise's lore.
"Auric Enterprise"

Nothing says "huge fan" like not even spelling the name of Rogue Agent's second mission correctly. "Auric Enterprise(s)" was my first ever attempt at making a fan site for the game, two years after the game released (2006).
Funnily enough, this website still exists. It was created with Tripod, and by all accounts they still seem to be operating in one form or another. I don't even remember my login credentials, and have not attempted to touch it since basically the last time it was updated (2007).
For those curious, it can be viewed here (at least for now): AURIC ENTERPRISE (tripod.com)

When I started this page, I hadn't even made a proper online alias for myself. Also, I originally intended to ignore the PS2 and Xbox versions outright. That strikes me as funny now, since I prefer not to play the GC version anymore due to the much lower texture resolution (I will still give it credit for the controls feeling particularly smooth in that version).
My main inspiration for making a fan site in the first place was one website in particular - goldeneye007.detstar.com (seems to be offline now, but can be found via Wayback Machine). Also, I was just getting more interested in cheat devices like Action Replay, and I recall begging for people on GSCentral.org forums to make me codes. Even a simple "play Golden Gate Bridge alone" code was too much to ask around there apparently, so eventually I learned to make my own... and here we are.
The only embarrassing thing to me about this site, looking back now, is how many times I said "beta" in terms of any pre-release content. This was (and still is) an inaccurate catch-all phrase that people tend to use when talking about anything related to early versions of games.